Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Long Lost (and Last) Blog Entry....

The journey is over for now. The last month was amazing. It wrapped up a once-in-a-lifetime trip and allowed me to accomplish a lot of goals, only to open the door and dream up some new ones.
Along our journey, Pat and I met some unique people and gazed upon unimaginable landscapes. It was an experience, to say the least. And we sacrificed certain luxuries to keep the experience raw. To remind ourselves of what is important and what is insignificant. In doing so, we may not have ate the best or smelled the best. But in the absence of all things nonessential, we had the ability to grasp the journey for what it was worth and accomplish a dream that was once thought as far fetched. But it all happened, thanks to support from my family and friends for the encouragement to 'live the dream.'
And special thanks to the Hursthouse's, our New Zealand family, whose hospitality goes beyond human.

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